With AGS *S means a buck's dam and his sire's dam both have milk stars +S means a buck has three daughters with milk stars E, VG, G+, G are all classification scores. E is excellent and means a goat scored 90+, VG is 85 to 89.9, G+ is 80 to 84.9, etc.
With ADGA CH is a finished champion *B is a buck whose dam and sire's dam have milk stars SG stands for superior genetics
While a buck can get a star on the basis of his parentage, the plus (+) prefix before his name is always earned by siring worthy offspring. The usual way is to have sired at least three daughters by three different dams who have qualified as Advanced Registry or Star Milkers. He may also earn the +B prefix by having two sons who are Advanced Registry Herdsires. A +B buck is always an Advanced Registry Herdsire. If he qualifies by having both three qualifying daughters and two qualifying sons, he is entitled to the ++B prefix. A buck may have a total of only one star (*) and two pluses (++) before his name which looks like this ++*B. If a buck has a prefix of ++*B, it therefore means he has at least three daughters (from different dams) who are AR or Star Milkers, two sons who are AR Herdsires, and parentage with qualifying production records. Since both ancestry and progeny have been proven desirable for production, such a buck can be considered a valuable asset in a breeding program.
******************************************************************************* Understanding DNA designations
DNA ID (Individual DNA on file with ADGA) DNA SQ (Individual DNA on file with ADGA and Sire verified via DNA) DNA DQ (Individual DNA on file with ADGA and Dam verified via DNA) DNA PQ (Individual DNA on file with ADGA and both Sire and Dam verified via DNA)
Lady Walkers M Orion Rising *B - DNA SQ Lady Walkers MO Chaos - DNA SQ Kindred Souls AT Falcon Crest - DNA SQ Lady Walkers Trillium - DNA SQ Hidden Hills Water Hawthorne *B - DNA SQ Roamn Ranch Loco Mo' Tion - DNA SQ Lil Carolina Kids Bold Quinn - DNA SQ Casa Ram SL Arthurian Legend ]Lady Walkers BQ Gus
Collected 9-30-2019 Collection does notappear in ADGA Genetics yet Collection appears in his individual record in NG Sire verification does not appear in his individual account in NG Sire verification appears in ADGA Genetics
Sire: CH Kyeema Ridge Mojo (DNA ID) Paternal Grand Sire: Dawnland Tabby's Piper (Rosasharn Tom's Water Tabby ++*B +*S x Piddlin Acres W Rosemary) Paternal Grand Dam: SG Rosasharn KB Pepper Corn 5*M AR2008 EEEV90 (Rosasharn TL Lady Killer Bee *S x Rosasharn's UMT Wasabi 4*M AR2005)
Dam: Lady Walkers ATL Zendaya Maternal Grand Sire: Proctor Hill Farm Atlantis *B (DNA ID) (*B SG NC PromisedLand RB Bolero *S x SG Proctor Hill Farm BW Calliste 2*M 2*DAR) Maternal Grand Dam: Lady Walkers JC Ziva (Dreahook AF Jimmy Choo x Ari's Angels Zahra)
OFFSPRING IN OUR HERD Lady Walkers Mabel Lady Walkers Trillium Lady Walkers Vanilla Latte Lady Walkers Honor Your Chaos Lady Walkers Grace Under Chaos
Individual DNA and sire verification appears in ADGA Genetics Individual DNA appears in his file in NG Sire verification does not appear in his file in NG
Sire: Proctor Hill Farm Atlantis *B (DNA ID) *B SG NC PromisedLand RB Bolero *S x SG Proctor Hill Farm BW Calliste 2*M 2*DAR
Collected 10-13-2021 Individual DNA appears in ADGA Genetics Sire verification does not appear in ADGA Genetics Collection does not appear in ADGA Genetics Sire verification does not appear in his NG account Individual DNA appears in his NG account Collection appears in his NG account
Sire: Lady Walkers MO Chaos (DNA ID) CH Kyeema Ridge Mojo x Lady Walkers ATL Zendaya
Dam: Lady Walkers M Happy Sol, VEEE 90 GCH Rosasharn SP Mercury ++*B, 92 EEE (DNA DQ) x Lady Walkers Fascinator
Offspring in our herd Lady Walkers Sage Alley Lady Walkers Guiliana
Born 3-30-2021 ADGA # PD2165865 DNA on file - Sire verified Hawthorne is co-owned with Tyler Ramirez at Casa Ram Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Sire: Hidden Hills Chase The Legend *B (DNA SQ) (Chase the Legend is littermate of the 2023 National Show Total Performer) SG Algedi Farm CK Kinetic Riptide +*B x SGCH Alethia Dew Lee Noted 6*M, VEEE91
SDS- Gryphon ST Moby *B SDD- SGCH Algedi Farm DJ Honey Dew 5*M, EEEE 91
SSS- Algedi Farm SS Captain Kid *S, VEE 89 SSD- GCH Algedi Farm DJ Splash O' Honey 5*M, VVEE 90
Dam- GCH Hidden Hills HB River Blossom 8*M, EEEE 91 2019 National Show -3rd Place in the Senior Dry Yearling 2023 National Show 6th Place 5-year-old Milker Alpha S-1 Casein A/A CH Algedi Farm DJ Higgs Boson +*B, EVE90 (DNA DQ) x SGCH Bellafire BP Country Melody 7*M, EEEE91 (3x GCH, 3x BOB)
DDD- Algedi Farm DJ Cadenza 6*M, EVEE 90 DDS- Alethia JD Bachelor Party +*B, VEE 87
Genetic marker/DNA on file - sire verified VGL # ADG33429 / VGL # ADG34015 (DNA sample was initially exhausted and 2nd sample needed to be submitted to complete DNA and Alpha s-1 Casein) Alpha s-1 Casein A/B
Individual DNA does not appear in ADGA Genetics Sire verification does not appear in ADGA Genetics Individual DNA, Sire verification and Alpha s-1 Casein appears in his individual account in NG
Sire: Castle Rock Ferdinand SS: Quaking Canopy Dexter *B (DNA SQ) SSS: Camanna OMF Caesarion (DNA ID) SSD: Castle Rock Saragosa 3*M, FS EEEE 91 (at 9 years old!) SD: CH (pending) Castle Rock Goodnight Moon, VEEE 91 (2019 ADGA Nationals, 3rd place yearling milker) SDS: Castle Rock Jasper Quilles SDD: GCH CRF Castle Rock Moon River, FS EEEE 91
Dam: Old Mountain Farm Mo Na Lisa DS: Old Mountain Farm Hercules (DNA ID) DSS: *B Old Mountain Farm Card Shark DSD: Old Mountain Farm Aditi Quinn DD: Old Mountain Farm Madm Mo Zell DDS: Old Mountain Farm Allegiance DDD: 3*M AR Old Mountain Farm Gazelle, EEEE 92
Individual DNA, Sire verification, and Alpha s-1 Casein appears in NG Individual DNA, Sire verification and Alpha s-1 Casein do not appear in ADGA Genetics
Photos (above) Onaqui BH Equinox courtesy of Susan Shavelin at Lil Carolina Kids
Photos (above) of Old Mountain Farm Pamela Jean are property of Cheryle Moore-Smith at Old Mountain Farm
Sire: Old Mountain Farm Larsen Quinn (DNA SQ)
Larsen's Sire: Old Mountain Farm Tomo Quinn (DNA ID) SS: Old Mountain Farm InLikeQuinn SD: Old Mountain Farm Tsukiko
Larsen's Dam: SG Old Mountain Farm Pamela Jean DS: SG Old Mountain Farm Nightshade ++B DD: SG Sugar Moon Daedalian Opus 3*M 4*D
Dam: Onaqui BH Equinox
DS: GCH Old Mountain Farm Bold Hart +B SS: +*B SG Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk (2018 ADGA Premiere Sire) (DNA SQ) SD: SG Old Mountain Farm RainEDayWomn VEEE90
DD: SG Old Mountain Farm Cass Quinn 5*M DDS: Old Mountain Farm Darius Quinn *B (DNA ID) DDD: 1*M SG Old Mountain Farm Mila Quinn VEEE90