LADY WALKERS FASCINATOR Offspring in our herd: Lady Walkers M Happy Sol, Lady Walkers MO Blue Onyx **************************************************************************************************************
CHENANGO-HILLS PV CHEVALIERE Offspring in our herd: Lady Walkers MO Kismet (deceased), Lady Walkers Riley's Cougar **************************************************************************************************************
LADY WALKERS JC ZIVA Ziva is the first kid born in our "Z" line. Her dam, Zahra, is where it all began. Offspring in our herd: Lady Walkers ATL Zendaya, Lady Walkers ATL Zancara **************************************************************************************************************
LADY WALKERS ATL JUNIPER RYE Juniper - the doe who gave us bucks for four years and then finally does! Offspring in our herd: Lady Walkers Worth the Wait (sadly, deceased)
LADY WALKERS M DAISY CUTTER Offspring in our herd : Lady Walkers Belle of the Ball, Lady Walkers Kelly Green, Lady Walkers Quill's Nyx, Lady Walkers Quill's Lily
LADY WALKERS M HAPPY SOL, VEEE 90 Offspring in our herd: Lady Walkers Trillium, Lady Walkers Pacifico Clara, Lady Walkers Honor your Chaos, Lady Walkers Spotted Fawn
LADY WALKERS MO BLUE ONYX Sold as a kid to Kindred Souls Farm and bought back in 2022 Offspring in our herd: Kindred Souls AT Frosted Onyx, Lady Walkers Irish Secret
Sire: Proctor Hill Farm Atlantis *B *DNA* (*B SG NC PromisedLand RB Bolero *S x SG Proctor Hill Farm BW Calliste 2*M 2*DAR)
Dam: Lady Walkers JC Ziva (Dreahook AF Jimmy Choo, 89 VEV x Ari's Angels Zahra)
KIDDING HISTORY: 2018 Doe/buck twins, 151 days gestation 2019 Not bred 2020 Not bred 2021 - single doe 2023 - Twins - buck/doe (doa) **************************************************************************************************************
LADY WALKERS MO ZEN Zen suffered a prolapsed uterus during her second freshening and is retired. Sadly, we had sold the only doe we got from her at the time of her first kidding. The saving grace is that her littermate brother, Chaos, is one of our herdsires.
2018 Linear Appraisal VEE+ 86 (nursing a single kid) Sire: CH Kyeema Ridge Mojo *DNA* (Dawnland Tabby's Piper x SG Rosasharn KB Pepper Corn 5*M AR2008 EEEV90)
Dam: SG Proctor Hill Farm BW Calliste 2*M 2*DAR (ARMCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++*S x SGCH Spring Fever Calista 1*M *DAR *M E)
2017 Twin bucks - 146 days 2018 Single buck - 146 days 2019 Not bred 2020 Twin does - 147 days 2021 - Twin bucks - 147 days 2024 - Twin bucks - 149 days